Wavy gravy – UV wavelengths for carbon DAS revisited

About this whole highlight business with DAS carbon transfer – it just never ends, does it? The last installment on this story had a loose end that I need to stitch up here. It’s about the nature of the light. Let’s have a look at how UV wavelength affects the curve, and highlight performance in particular.

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Carbonized – Notes on carbon transfer highlights and tissue thickness

The fickle issue of highlights in carbon transfer…what Calvin Grier calls the ‘tonal threshold’. The tendency of very thin layers of gelatin not surviving the transfer process, creating a jagged transition from visible tone to paper white. I’ve spent quite some time optimizing it, and now revisit the topic with two factors worth looking into: the wavelength of the UV light used for the exposure and the thickness of the tissue.

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A ‘contrast ceiling’ of DAS carbon with continuous tone negatives

Previously, I have written about my attempts to make DAS carbon work well for continuous-tone negatives. The main challenge is highlight rendition, with flaking problems destroying delicate highlights. After testing many factors, I think the only conclusion left is that there is a limit to what DAS can do. Moreover, this limit is different (and more, well, limiting) than with dichromate carbon transfer.

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