Trans-mission – A parts bin transmission densitometer

I’ve never owned a transmission densitometer. In fact, I consider myself as far too sloppy and undisciplined in the darkroom to be able to put one to good use – so why bother? Then again, sometimes it’s just convenient to be able to take a few quick and dirty measurements on a piece of film. And there’s always the parts bin full of stuff that surely could be fashioned into a densitometer, right? Right.

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Big ugly no longer big (still ugly) – RGB LED head for color printing revision

As soon as something sort of works, I generally leave it as is and use it as is. Until the shortcomings become annoying enough to actually do something about it. Which is the story of my color enlarger project in a nutshell. A story that hadn’t see much development lately – after all, it sort of worked, right? Well, the annoyance got the better of me, so I did another iteration.

Continue reading “Big ugly no longer big (still ugly) – RGB LED head for color printing revision”