A few years ago, a friend gifted me a Minolta XG-M. He didn’t do much with 35mm and when he does, he’s a Nikon guy, so this little camera was sitting idle. I used it once or twice back then, fixed a problem it had (I forgot what it was, really) and then it went back into storage. Until I brushed off the dust a few weeks ago and gave it another spin. What a nice little camera!
Continue reading “Scales – Walkabout with Minolta”Tag: Fomapan 200
Unpaper – Rutty photos will not be printed
I haven’t photographed much lately. Occupied with other things (electronics, software, housekeeping, private stuff) too much. The only thing that helps is some subtle force. Walk around with a camera, snap the mundane stuff I come across. It’s unlikely I’ll print any of these images; quick & dirty scans are probably as far as they’ll ever get. That’s OK – there’s always more rocks than nuggets!
Continue reading “Unpaper – Rutty photos will not be printed”Rolling – Gearing up DAS carbon printing
Yeah, I’ve been silent on my blog. In case you’re wondering: no, I haven’t given up on anything, given my recent struggles with DAS carbon. In fact, quite the opposite! Since figuring out (at least as far as I can tell, for now) the process limits, I’ve been shifting into gear with monochrome DAS carbon and it’s been going remarkably smoothly. “I Ate’nt Dead“, as Granny Weatherwax used to write!
Continue reading “Rolling – Gearing up DAS carbon printing”Some small prints and a note on Fomapan 200
Yesterday I made some prints. Small ones. Firstly, because I like small prints. Secondly, I had made tissue last week and wanted to try it out. Thirdly, I had these negatives sitting here and they weren’t particularly suited for what they were intended to do, so I gave it a shot with carbon transfer. When life gives you lemons, eh? Well, this lemon here I grew all by myself!
Continue reading “Some small prints and a note on Fomapan 200”