Previously, I explained why I thought I needed a color light source and in general terms what it should be capable of. I also highlighted that it’s not so much a project with a clearly defined end (or at least, that hasn’t materialized yet), but more of a journey that continues into the present, and probably future as well. In this part, I’ll go through the phases this project has gone through. That is to say, there are really three distinct generations of the device I’ve built, and each has taught me different lessons. Before going into some details of the current (and 3rd) rendition, I’ll try to go through each generation and explain what it was/is and what its main caveats were (especially generations 1 & 2). Let’s start with the first generation I built.
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The Big Ugly, or building a LED color printing light source. Part 1: the beginnings
Previously, I bashed compound/integrated RGB LEDs such as RGB COB LEDs for the application of a color enlarger for RA4 prints. That was basically a lesson learned the hard way when building a LED-based color enlarger light source. In this series, because one post is probably not going to be enough, I’ll highlight some aspects of the system I’ve built. Or I should say: I’ve built so far, because it’s really just a prototype that will likely never be really finished. Hence the title, The Big Ugly. Because there’s one thing it isn’t, and that’s beautiful. But hey, it works! Sort of. Most of the time. Within reasonable limits. If I’m careful.
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