Sometimes (frequently…) I get sidetracked from photography because I need some kind of equipment or trinket. In such a case I could just go online and order whatever it is that I believe I need. But most of the time I end up DIY-ing something, especially if it’s an electrical device. And that involves making PCB’s. Out of necessity, I have become reasonably good at making these at home. Let me share my current way of working, as it involves a few tricks that make this a little easier.
Continue reading “Different kind of print – Making PCB’s at home”Tag: DIY PCB
The Big Ugly, part 4: (im)perfect present
Here we are, and this is Now. So far, I have written about the two generations of problematic and/or quasi-successful color enlarger light sources I’ve made and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. But all that is in the past. This blog is about the current, 3rd generation of the LED color light source for my (t)rusty Durst 138. It incorporates most of the lessons I learned along the way – and brought me some new ones, no doubt.
Continue reading “The Big Ugly, part 4: (im)perfect present”Some light to the darkroom
What’s the essence of a darkroom? That’s right – light! Seriously though, I think good light makes all the difference in darkroom work. First and foremost, it’s just pleasant to have ample and good-quality light to work with. But it’s also essential for judging print quality and properties such as hue/color balance, toning etc. In this post, I’m showcasing my current darkroom lighting setup and I will also discuss some lessons learned and loose ends/issues.
Continue reading “Some light to the darkroom”