The fickle issue of highlights in carbon transfer…what Calvin Grier calls the ‘tonal threshold’. The tendency of very thin layers of gelatin not surviving the transfer process, creating a jagged transition from visible tone to paper white. I’ve spent quite some time optimizing it, and now revisit the topic with two factors worth looking into: the wavelength of the UV light used for the exposure and the thickness of the tissue.
Continue reading “Carbonized – Notes on carbon transfer highlights and tissue thickness”Month: October 2024
Seeing the woods for the trees – some medium format shots
I love being in the woods. But for the live of me, most of the time I can’t shoot anything worth a damn in there. Too chaotic, I suppose. And medium format is something I also don’t do much of. So yesterday, I decided to combine both and shoot some Portra 160 in my Bronica SQAi in the woods.
Continue reading “Seeing the woods for the trees – some medium format shots”Scales – Walkabout with Minolta
A few years ago, a friend gifted me a Minolta XG-M. He didn’t do much with 35mm and when he does, he’s a Nikon guy, so this little camera was sitting idle. I used it once or twice back then, fixed a problem it had (I forgot what it was, really) and then it went back into storage. Until I brushed off the dust a few weeks ago and gave it another spin. What a nice little camera!
Continue reading “Scales – Walkabout with Minolta”Intermission – What’s up doc?
Hey, long time no speak! It’s been a while since I last posted something here – but it’s not an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ situation. Not by a long shot. Stuff has been brewing and I should really write some of that up. Here’s what I’ve been playing with and what I’d like to update on in the next few….well I dunno; when I get round to it, hopefully soon!
Continue reading “Intermission – What’s up doc?”