Natural Intelligence – Why AI will save the artists who fear it the most

Made you look, didn’t I? Seriously though, I think it will. Yes, that’s right: I believe artificial intelligence will save artists, because it (AI) will help us realize what art is about. And that will reconnect us with something we may have lost touch with for some time.

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Whither hybridia – The challenge of digital output for alternative printing

I’ve never made a secret of my frustration with digital negatives. Yet, they also appeal to me, for the obvious reasons of consistency and as a crucial means to marry digital imagery with analog/alternative printmaking. For something like color carbon, I consider digital negatives the only feasible way to go – but man, are they fickle. In this blog, I’m going to try and list the options, although frankly, I have no solution yet that I feel comfortable with. Maybe getting it off my chest and structuring the whole thing will help some.

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Unpaper – Rutty photos will not be printed

I haven’t photographed much lately. Occupied with other things (electronics, software, housekeeping, private stuff) too much. The only thing that helps is some subtle force. Walk around with a camera, snap the mundane stuff I come across. It’s unlikely I’ll print any of these images; quick & dirty scans are probably as far as they’ll ever get. That’s OK – there’s always more rocks than nuggets!

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