All over the place – The problem with color negative film scans

Scanning color negative film is something that often throws people for a loop when it comes to getting “good” colors. I can relate – I still find it a frustrating endeavor sometimes. And it isn’t helped by the algorithms in scanners and scanning software that are intended to make this process easier. The actual result is that these automatic color adjustments make life pretty frustratingly difficult if you’re after consistency! Here’s an illustration (and a solution, but I already discussed that earlier).

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Ghosted – When and how to clean an Epson 4990 transparency unit

I’ve had my Epson 4990 since the model was new, so the best part of two decades. It has always served me surprisingly well, although it’s now old enough (by far!) to occasionally require a little TLC. In particular, it can do with a little dusting once in a while.

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Fade to black – Why ‘modern’ Gossen light meters might drain their batteries

This came up the other day on Photrio where @RalphLambrecht wondered about why his Gossen light meters drain their batteries while they’re supposed to power down automatically. Now, I happen to have one of those Gossen meters powered by a 9V battery, so I figured I could have a peek inside to see what might be wrong with his.

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Cheap chips from China – A brief look at the CH32V003 microcontroller

I admit I love AliExpress specifically for low-end electronics components. I often shop around for stuff like IC’s and microcontrollers. And while you can get certain Microchip (Atmel), Texas Instruments and STM devices attractively from China, this has been starting to feel a bit odd to me. After all – a nation that retrieves rocks from the dark side of the moon is surely capable of making a decent microcontroller by itself. So why purchase Western parts from China, and not dip into the actual Chinese-made (and, in particular, engineered) stuff? So that’s what I did!

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